Customer Testimonies

Here are a few customer testimonials from people and organisations that I have provided support for in the past. Please take a few minutes to read them to gain a better understanding of myself and how I can be of service to you.

Testimony of a Client

On contacting Hugh for counselling, there were many different areas in my life that I was experiencing problems with (workplace stress, bereavement, identity issues) & I wanted help in dealing with my feelings of anxiety, despair & hopelessness...

Read the full testimony of a client here

Testimony of Supervisee

As mature student currently undertaking a diploma in Therapeutic Counselling I feel that I have and continue to benefit greatly from engaging in the developmentally collaborative and supportive relationship I share with Hugh. 

Read the full Testimony of Supervisee testimonial here

HMS Prison Nottingham - Mr Singh

Just a few words on the work of my college Hugh Driskell; he is a man of honesty and integrity, a man in whom the people with whom he works, both staff and prisoners, have confidence and trust. He has helped to expand the programme; he has worked 1 to 1 with prisoners and in group sessions both in a lead facilitator role and support.

Read the full HMS Prison Nottingham testimonial here


CIC Ltd - Sister Champalbert

I would like with these few lines to acknowledge the work and commitment of Hugh Driskell.

He has worked as a counsellor at CIC Ltd, a busy inner city counselling Practice, for more than five years. He now provides qualified supervision to colleagues and students in the field of psychotherapy.

Read the full CIC Ltd testimonial here

Customer Testimonials

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